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IT Budget FAQs

IT is dedicated to providing all faculty and staff with up-to-date information regarding the current budget process. If you have any questions contact your USS Support Specialist.





Q: How do I request new software?
A: First, discuss your needs with the IT Support Specialist who will be able to tell you if what you are requesting is a product we currently have on campus and therefore we will automatically renew and upgrade it. If it ends up being a request for new software the request should be submitted via either the annual budget request process or dept. approval.


Q: How do I request a new hardware item?
A: Desktop and laptop PCs and Macs are accommodated through the current equipment replacement plan therefore you do not need to make specific requests. To add new hardware equipment where one did not exist, or specialized computer configurations, the request should be submitted via either the annual budget request process or dept. approval.


Q: What if I identify a need after the Requested Budget cycle?
A: Academic and Administrative requests should seek dept. approval.


Q: How do we acquire machines for new staff?
A: All technology needs should be identified when hiring new employees. If the new person is filling a vacant position, the assumption is that they will use the equipment assigned to that position. If the new person is filling a new line, please contact your IT Support Specialist to review the computing requirements of the position.


Q: What if my department is moving into a new facility?
A: New facility requests such as equipment for a new computer lab or multimedia classrooms will be identified as part new facility budget. Required equipment will be identified and approved as part of the overall facility plans.
If there is a request for renovations to an existing lab or classroom, that should be submitted to the dean’s office/cabinet member for review and consideration.
